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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Decalogue Society of Lawyers' "Award of Merit"

Lowis & Gellen attorney Shellie Karno presided over the Decalogue Society of Lawyers "Award of Merit" Dinner on November 29. As President of the bar association, it was her honor to have Judge William D. Maddux, Presiding Judge Law Division, Circuit Court of Cook County, present the Merit Award to Illinois Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert R.Thomas. Approximately 200 guests were in attendance, and at least half of that number were judges and other dignitaries or special guests, including retired Illinois Supreme Court Justice Seymour Simon.

In his response, Chief Justice Thomas spoke about the recent Supreme Court rule requiring mandatory Continuing Legal Education for Illinois attorneys, and recognized the Decalogue Society of Lawyers for the Legal Education Series that the Society has been providing for over 50 years. He also addressed the Court's recent establishment of a permanently appointed Commission on Professionalism, and added a few comments about his years with the Chicago Bears.

Chief Justice Thomas joins a prestigious group of national and international luminaries to whom this award has been given in the past. Previous recipients include U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, former President Harry S. Truman, Dr. Jonas Salk, Sir Georg Solti, Saul Bellow, and Albert Einstein.