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Tuesday, November 14, 2006


On October 18, Judge Carol Pearce McCarthy of Cook County, Illinois dismissed a lawsuit during trial but before any evidence was presented to the jury. Lowis & Gellen partners Mark Smith and Scott Wolfe represented a Family Practitioner accused of failing to diagnose lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. The plaintiff alleged that the doctor was her primary care physician and had failed to properly evaluate abnormalities on mammograms which would have lead to the diagnosis of her lymphoma. During the course of discovery before trial, firm Partners Mark Smith and Scott Wolfe retained world renown experts in the fields of family practice and oncology, and obtained supportive testimony from the plaintiff's treating physicians. During motions at the beginning of the case Judge McCarthy found Lowis & Gellen's defense so overwhelming she would not allow the trial to proceed any further and dismissed the case on the day of opening statements.

For further information in this case or on Lowis & Gellen's professional malpractice defense group, please contact Mark Smith at msmith@lowis-gellen.com or Scott Wolfe at swolfe@lowis-gellen.com.